Order Cancellation

Order Cancellation

How can I cancel an order?

You have a 3-hour window after placing your order to reach out to our customer support team for any changes or cancellations.

After this period, we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to accommodate your request, as we aim to start processing orders as soon as they’re received.

To cancel your order please contact us from here.

I accidentally canceled my order, can I resume it?

If you’ve canceled your order on-site and want to receive your order after all, the best way to do so is by placing a new order at checkout. Email [email protected] if you have any questions — we’re here to help.

I canceled my order, but I’m not sure it went through. Can you confirm it has been canceled?

If you’ve canceled your order, you’ll receive another email once the order has successfully been canceled. If you haven’t received a cancellation confirmation email, let us know at [email protected] (and include your original #1234 order number) and we’ll take a look!

I don’t see the option to self-cancel! How can I cancel my order?

If you’ve placed an order and you want to cancel it, please email [email protected] as soon as possible (including your # order number and cancel/change request) and we can help.

Contact Details:

Business Name: Mateefy
Business Address: Address: 128 City Road, London EC1V 2NX
United Kingdom.
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: +44 116 393 0373
Customer Service Phone: +1 415 580 1587 (Text Only)
Working Hours: Monday – Friday: 9 AM–6 PM GMT
Saturday – Sunday: Closed (Production)
(We are Available Via Email
During the Weekend.)